Matching unexpected friends

Be My Grandparent is part of the Age Concern Jersey group, and is a new service that pairs friends with similar interests to share time on a regular one-to-one basis.

Every day of the week, Age Concern Jersey is a hub of activity, but while there is a range of things to do, we recognise that not everybody is comfortable in large group settings. Some people prefer more personal interaction on a one-to-one basis.

Be My Grandparent has been launched to serve those people by creating a safe environment where volunteers are matched with a ‘new Grandparent’ to develop meaningful friendships.

Meetings will be arranged according to a pre-agreed weekly or monthly routine, though there is room for flexibility.

The facilities at Age Concern are available to use, but we encourage our pairs to also get out into the community and do the simple things that we take for granted, such as popping out for a cuppa, enjoying some fresh air by the beach, a spot of shopping, or simply enjoying some company in a regular location.